Bohuslav Martinů
Even in an opera you can let yourselves be carried you away on the waves of dreams and imagination. This masterpiece of Bohuslav Martinů urges us to do so. The Central Bureau of Dreams, where the story is set, is opened for everyone. All you need is enter it!
It has been almost fifty years since Martinů’s Juliette was last performed in Pilsen. It is one of the best modern Czech operas. The composer wrote his own libretto, based on a play by French writer and playwright Georges Neveux. Its famous premiere took place at the National Theatre in Prague on 16 March 1938 under the baton of Václav Talich. It was directed by Jindřich Honzl and the stage was designed by František Muzika. Its subtitle, The Key to Dreams, aptly expresses its story, which takes place in a small seaport town, where a young bookseller, Michel, arrives from Paris. He is enchanted by a beautiful girl, Juliette. He falls for her so much that he does not manage to leave the town in time and becomes one of its inhabitants, who have lost their memory.
- Libreto:
- Bohuslav Martinů, podle hry Georgese Neveuxe
- Hudební nastudování:
- Jiří Štrunc
- Dirigent:
- Jiří Štrunc / Jakub Zicha
- Režie:
- Martin Otava
- Výtvarník scény:
- Daniel Dvořák
- Výtvarník kostýmů:
- Dana Haklová
- Světelný design:
- Antonín Pfleger
- Videoprojekce:
- Ondřej Brýna
- Dramaturgie:
- Vojtěch Frank
- Sbormistr:
- Jakub Zicha
- Asistent režie:
- Michal Lieberzeit, Vojtěch Jansa
- Asistent dirigenta:
- Jan Mára (HAMU)
- Hudební příprava:
- Maxim Averkiev, Martin Marek, Jan Mára
- Show rigging:
- Tomáš Pintér – AirGym Art Company
- Nápověda:
- Viktorie Šimůnková
- Inspice:
- Petra Kuldová Tolašová
Prersons and actors
- Julietta:
- Soňa Godarská / Olga Jelínková
- Michel:
- Tomáš Kořínek / Richard Samek
- Komisař, Listonoš, Úředník:
- Michal Bragagnolo / Jan Maria Hájek
- Muž s helmou, Obchodník se vzpomínkami, Žebrák:
- Dominik Klapka / Jiří Kubík
- Muž v okně, Stařec „Mládí“, Trestanec:
- Andrij Charlamov / Jevhen Šokalo
- Hlídač lesa, Strojvedoucí:
- Josef Jordán / Martin Švimberský
- Malý Arab, Mladý námořník, Poslíček:
- Andrea Frídová / Kateřina Vogelová
- Obchodnice s ptáky:
- Lucie Hájková / Radka Sehnoutková
- Obchodnice s rybami:
- Ivana Klimentová / Jana Piorecká
- Hadač:
- Jana Foff Tetourová / Jana Piorecká
- Starý Arab, Dědeček, Starý námořník:
- Miro Bartoš / Jakub Hliněnský
- Babička:
- Ivana Šaková
- Šéf, Noční hlídač:
- Rostislav Florian / Martin Švimberský
- Dvojník Michela a Listonoše:
- Vojtěch Jansa
- Orchestr opery DJKT, Sbor opery DJKT
- Klavír:
- Maxim Averkiev / Martin Marek
- Anglický roh:
- Marta Neumannová / Ela Polívková
- Akordeon:
- Petra Křížková / Hana Matějková
Photos from the production
The production was financially supported by the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation.
Title partners