Go back for murder
Agatha Christie
Current cast 16. 2. 2025 14:00
16. 2. 2025
The Grand Theatre
length of performance
140 min
opening night
16. 12. 2023
subscription group
- Překlad:
- Martina Schlegelová
- Režie:
- Martina Schlegelová
- Dramaturgie:
- Zdeněk Janál
- Scéna:
- Jaromír Vlček
- Kostýmy:
- Aneta Grňáková
- Hudba:
- Jan Čtvrtník
- Světelný design:
- Jakub Sloup
- Inspice:
- Veronika Brankov
- Nápověda:
- David Kubát
Prersons and actors
- Slavný detektiv:
- Michal Štěrba
- Caroline Crale:
- Andrea Mohylová
- Amyas Crale:
- Petr Urban
- Carla:
- Nicole Tisotová
- Philip Blake:
- Jan Maléř
- Meredith Blake:
- Marek Mikulášek
- Lady Melksham:
- Jana Ondrušková
- Miss Williams:
- Jana Kubátová
- Angela Warren:
- Eliška Vocelová
- Jeff Rogers:
- Matyáš Darnady
- Turnball:
- Jaroslav Matějka
Go Back for Murder© 1960 Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved. The name Agatha Christie and the author's signature are registered trademarks of Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved. This game is licensed by Agatha Christie Limited. The copyright in the Czech Republic is held by Aura-Pont s. r. o., Veslařský ostrov 62, 147 00 Prague 4.
For further information about the author, her works and theatrical adaptations, visit www.agathachristie.com.
- Please note that tobacco products are used in the production.
- The length of the production is given including 1 intermission.